Binaural BeatZZZZZ
Jul 12, 2024
I stumbled upon binaural beats years ago in an article about sleep. At the time, I was turning on the TV and falling asleep to it every night. I was also waking up at midnight and not reaching deep sleep. I couldn’t imagine going to bed without Seinfeld, my show of choice at bed, but it was time to explore a change.
These beats were discovered in 1839 by a physicist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. According to Psychology Today binaural beats are “a technology that harness the brain’s responsiveness to sound to move you into a state of deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and help you sleep better.” Binaural beats combine 2 |hence the BI| slightly different sound frequencies to create the perception of a new frequency sound in the ears. The different hertz frequencies travel separately to the part of your brain that gathers auditory input and that’s where they become one.
There are 5 brainwave states or hertz ranges that trigger different actions:
- Delta | .1-4 hz | Deep sleep, pain relief, healing
- Theta | 4-8 hz | REM sleep, meditation, creativity
- Alpha | 8-13 hz | Positive thinking, relaxed focus, stress reduction
- Beta | 13-30 hz | Problem solving, active, focused attention
- Gamma | 30 & above hz | High level cognition, memory recall, peak awareness
My favorite binaural frequencies are 528 hz to promote inner healing & intuition and 432 hz for sleep. I often use 528 hz in conjunction with meditation.
So fast forward to now from my Seinfeld days and you’ll find me drifting off to sleep effortlessly to a 432 hz binaural track. Which frequencies you are drawn to?
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